Internet Security

Internet Security in Canada

Frequently Asked Questions about Internet Security:

How do I report what I consider to be criminal activity perpetrated over the Internet?

To report a crime, or for immediate police assistance, contact your local RCMP Detachment or the police service of jurisdiction in your area.

What is a firewall and what can it do for me?

A firewall is a network security product that acts as a barrier between two or more network segments. The firewall is a system (which consists of one or more components) that provides an access control mechanism between your network and the network(s) on the other side(s) of it. A firewall can also provide audit and alarm mechanisms that will allow you to keep a record of all access attempts to and from your network, as well as a real-time notification of things that you determine to be important.

While surfing the Internet, I saw what I believe to be illegal pornographic material and/or hate literature. What is being done about prosecuting these types of crimes?

By and large, Internet crimes are regulated by the Criminal Code of Canada for which enforcement responsibility normally rests with the police agency of local jurisdiction. Internet crimes – distribution of child pornography, hate propaganda, pyramid schemes, and so on – are traditional crimes committed using an electronic medium and should be referred to the local police service for investigation.

You can contact your local police or RCMP Detachment and at the same time voice your concerns with the Internet Service Provider (ISP) hosting the offensive material. The Canadian Association of Internet Providers ( would also welcome your comments or concerns in regards to Canadian ISPs.