National Defence

National Defence Soldiers

Frequently Asked Questions about National Defence:

Does Canada have a special force to deal with terrorist threats? How do I get in touch with them?

The Canadian Forces unit that is ready to carry out any task, duty, or mission assigned to it is called Joint Task Force 2. The Joint Task Force 2 training facilities are located within the geographical area of Ottawa. Unfortunately, all other information is classified.

How does the CF (Canadian Forces) help achieve this goal?

The CF defends Canada by protecting its territory and areas of jurisdiction, helping civil authorities protect and sustain national interests, and assisting in national emergencies. It also defends North America by protecting Canadian approaches to the continent in partnership with the United States, promoting Arctic security, and pursuing opportunities for Canada-U.S. defence cooperation. Internationally, the CF contributes to security by participating in multilateral operations through the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and regional organizations and coalitions of like-minded countries. It supports humanitarian-relief efforts and helps to restore conflict-devastated areas. As well, the CF participates in arms control and other confidence-building measures. The CF also contributes to and helps ensure an adequate and reasonably uniform level of emergency preparedness throughout Canada. To find more information on the work of the CF, please visit:

What is the goal of National Defence (DND) /Canadian Forces (CF)?

The fundamental mission of the DND/CF is to protect Canada, contribute to world peace, and protect Canadian interests abroad. To find more information on the mission of the DND/CF, please visit: